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    San Diego Region IRRIGATED LANDS Group

    Administered by the San Diego County Farm Bureau.


    On November 9, 2016 the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board (San Diego Water Board) adopted the General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste from Commercial Agricultural and Nursery Operations within the San Diego Region (Ag Order). The Ag Order puts in place the State of California’s rules and regulations that commercial agricultural producers must follow in order to be law compliant. Any producer who files a Schedule F with their tax return, has or is required to have a Site I.D. number issued by the county, or who receives an agricultural water rate is required to comply. San Diego Water Board recognized Monitoring Group or they can enroll as an individual by submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) and having a direct regulatory relationship with the San Diego Water Board. The San Diego County Farm Bureau carefully studied the regulations and decided to provide Farm Bureau members in San Diego, Riverside and Orange County with the option of group compliance through the San Diego Regional Irrigated Lands Group, a non-profit organization.