The Benefits of Membership
For more than a century the farmers, ranchers, and nurserymen in San Diego County have recognized that a collective voice is much more likely to be heard than anyone speaking alone. While issues such as water, labor, and pests have been around as long as Farm Bureau, others, such as runoff monitoring, ag/urban conflicts, and land use have gained in significance. All the while, the regulatory environment has becomes more and more restrictive. By banding together, the farm community and those who care about local, thriving agriculture, can make certain they are heard and have an improved chance of success.
As a non-profit organization, San Diego Farm Bureau depends on the income it receives in member dues.
Farmers and ranchers who receive income from production agriculture join as Agricultural Members.
Stay informed as we monitor all areas of our industry – so you can farm. When you become a member, the Farm Bureau will become your go-to resource. Membership includes:
The latest agricultural hot topics delivered weekly through our Monday Update email
Weekly delivery of the California Farm Bureau Federation newspaper publication, Ag Alert, California’s number one agricultural trade journal
Membership meetings and exclusive Farm Bureau events
Farm-related classes, industry task forces, and a network of options to tackle farm issues
Access to group solutions such as the San Diego Region Irrigated Lands Group to meet water runoff requirements, or a possible new shared labor program
Presidents Club
Presidents Club Memberships are available as a way to show additional support to the San Diego County Farm Bureau. Every Presidents Club membership includes all of the agricultural benefits. Presidents Club members also receive additional memberships for a new Farm Bureau member or an employee of the members’ organization.
Presidents Club Membership – $695
Includes ONE additional membership
Presidents Club Silver – $995
Includes TWO additional memberships
Presidents Club Gold – $1,750
Includes THREE additional memberships
Presidents Club Diamond– $2,800
Includes FOUR additional memberships
Presidents Club Platinum – $5,150 and up Includes FIVE additional memberships
Business Supporting
Businesses may join as Business Supporting Members. If you operate a business that depends on farmers as your customers, Farm Bureau invites you to become a Business Supporting Member.
Business Supporting Members receive Farm Bureau membership and benefits, are listed in the Business Supporting Members section of our website and receive business referrals when Farm Bureau members call the office looking for needed services. Most important, you will know that you are giving additional support to the organization that is working to keep your customers in business.
Business Supporting Membership – $695
Business Supporting Silver – $995
Business Supporting Gold – $1,750
Business Supporting Diamond– $2,800
Business Supporting Platinum – $5,150 and up
Sustaining members are those interested in supporting the preservation of agriculture or want access to Farm Bureau’s membership benefits, but don’t work in farming. A Sustaining member also receives California Bountiful, filled with useful information and background on food production, home gardening and other subjects.
Join as a Collegiate Member and get access to AgAlert® online plus networking opportunities for scholarships, internship contacts, local and state events and the Young Farmers & Ranchers program. Ages 16 to 24, one person per membership.
Membership Assistance
The San Diego County Farm Bureau offers a limited number of donated and/or discounted agricultural memberships to new up and coming farmers wishing to join the organization for the first time, or to existing members experiencing unusual difficulties (such as extreme weather or physical injuries) and unable to pay full dues payments. Membership assistance is valid for 1 year. Qualified applicants must be part of an active farm operation. If selected, the fact that you were awarded membership assistance will remain confidential.
Membership Assistance PDF Join Now